Toolbar Menu Overview

Image of the Menu Bar

Access tools via the menu bar at the top of the page.

Toggle Legend Toolbar

By default, the Legend Panel ( Image of the Legend icon ) appears in upper right corner of the map area. By clicking on the ( Image of the Legend icon ) icon in the menu bar will allow hiding or displaying the legend panel. Hiding the panel will allow more visible real estate for viewing of the map and other features.

Image of the Legend Panel

Basemap Gallery Toolbar

By selecting the "Basemap Gallery" icon ( Image of the basemap-gallery icon ) from the menu bar a list of 5 map choices will appear under the menu.

Image of the Basemap Gallery

Navigator provides five (5) different selections to pick from for defining your base map layer. The default selection is "Streets" map. Once you have selected your base map you can click on the "x" in the local window menu or click on the icon ( Image of the basemap-gallery icon ) again to close the gallery map menu.

Road View Toolbar

Navigator Road View tool ( Image of the Road View icon ) provides three components, 1) the road viewer, 2) road data set matrix, and 3) the car symbol to indicate where the location is along the road segment. As you progress through the park the pictures change, the highlight line in the road matrix changes indicating where you are at along that road segment and the car symbol will move along the road map to indicate your map location.

The Road Viewer tool provides three different views from a single position as you travel through a park. The Front view, is as if your were driving the vehicle down the road. The right side will display any road side features or sign-age on the right. The rear view position will display the other directions road side features or sign-age. The header block will display "Route Identifier" (park code and route number), mile post (MP) number (two-tenth of a mile segments).

Image of the Road Viewer

The Road data set matrix tool provides the user with a mile post road position details. The mile post (MP) increment is set at two-tenth of a mile. By default, the full list of road elements are displayed. The user has the ability to turn off any data elements that are not needed.

Note: User can click on any of the header labels to activate an ascending or descending sort list.
As the user progress through the viewer the list of elements will be updated and the highlighted line will indicate where the user is at along the mileposts markers.

Image of the Road Viewer grid

In the right corner of the matrix may show a "+" sign by clicking on it will create a window that shows all available data elements for road details.

Image of the Road Viewer grid Option Tool

The user may check or un-check any of the boxes to add or remove/hide unwanted data elements to be displayed in the matrix.

Image of the Road Viewer grid data elements

A car symbol Image of the car icons will display on the base map indicating where the user is located along the road segment. The car symbol will move along the road as video (pictures) progress along the road.

Image of the Road Viewer grid

Query Toolbar

The Query tool ( Image of the Query Tool icon ) provides options for selecting data by adding conditions to layers of interest.

Image of the query tool

The following are steps to create a simple query.

The user selects a dataset layer from a drop down list located on the right side of the query window. By clicking on the drop down arrow a list of available dataset will be displayed.

Image of the query tool dropdown list

Once the dataset is selected the user can than pick and choose what data fields from that dataset to be display. In the right corner of the query window their may show a "+" sign by clicking on it will create a window that shows all available dataset query fields.

Image of the query tool data field list button

The user may check or un-check any of the check boxes to add or remove/hide unwanted data elements to be displayed in the query results.

Image of the query tool data field list

The user can than choose either "Select" or "Query" to start the query process. The third button "Export" is used once the user has completed their query and the results are shown in the output matrix.

Image of the Query Button

  • If the user picks the "Select" button they will then use the mouse to create a selected area over the map to restrict their query too. As the user moves the mouse over the map a floating note will appear providing what actions are needed.
  • Image of the query tool data field list

    The selected area will be outlined in red on the map to display the query area.

    Image of the query tool data field list

  • If the user picks the "Query" button.
  • Image of the query tool data field list

    A window will appear to assist in creating the query. Use the drop downs to define your search conditions.

    Image of the query tool data field list

  • If the user picks the "Export" button.
  • Image of the query export tool

    Once the user has the desired query results. A window will appear to assist in exporting the data to the local machine. The user can use the default file name or define their own file name. The user has two output formats choices to pick from. The user can export the results as a table in ‘csv’ or ‘xsls’.

    Image of the query Export window

    Measurement Toolbar

    The Measurement tool ( Image of the Measurement Tool icon ) contains tools that allow you to find plot coordinates, measure an area or distance.

    Image of the Measurement tool window

    The "location" coordinates tool Image of the location toolallows you to find the Latitude and Longitude of a specific location. The Location tool opens a sub-menu to select what feature unit type you want to display results in.

    Image of the location options

    The "distance" tool Image of the location toolallows you to draw and display on the map the total running distance between two or more points. The distance tool opens a sub-menu to to allow you to select what feature unit type you want measure in and display your results in. You locate your starting point (single click) and continue to do single clicks to step along your path. To stop drawing, double click your final point. The results are in your measurement results window.

    Image of the location options

    The "area" tool Image of the location toolallows you to draw and display on the map the total running area between three or more points. The area tool opens a sub-menu to select what feature unit type you want to measure in and display your results in. You locate your starting point (single click) and continue to do single clicks to step along your area path. To stop drawing, double click your final point. The results are in your measurement results window.

    Image of the location options


    The Print ( Image of the Print icon ) icon allows you to print the map with selected layer features and/or items placed on the map, less the legend.

    Image of the Print icon

    Draw Tool

    The Draw tool ( Image of the Draw tool icon ) contains actions like starts,stop and clearing the screen of any drawing content.

    Image of the Draw List Menu

    Report Drop-down list

    The Reports list ( Image of the Downward sort icon ) provides a list from a drop down of standard reports.

    Image of the Reports List Menu

    The "BIP Report" create a new window or tab to provide a list of available Bridge Inspection Program (BIP) reports. The bridge reports are sorted by park alpha code in descending order. The page displays basic details like bridge name and structure number. The user can then click on the structure number link or the BIP Report PDF icon to open the report.

    The "GIP/WIP Report" create a new window or tab to provide a list of available Wall Inventory Program (WIP) or Guardwall/Rail Inventory Program (GIP) reports. The reports are sorted by park alpha code in descending order. The page displays basic details like park name and structure number. The user can then click on the PDF icon to open the report.

    The "RIP Report" create a new window or tab to provide a list of available Roadway Inventory Programs (RIP) reports. The report are sorted by park alpha code in descending order. The page displays a grid like structure sorted by park order. The grid provides basic details by cycle. The user can then click on the PDF icon to open the report.

    The "National Transit Inventory" drop down menu item creates a new window or tab to a link to U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe Center website.

    RIP Cycle Drop-down list

    The RIP Cycle list ( Image of the Downward sort icon ) allows the user to select which cycle data to display on the base map. The selected RIP cycle will also be displayed in the legend provided it is actively displayed.

    Image of the RIP Cycle List

    Info Drop-down list

    The Info list ( Image of the Downward sort icon ) provides a list of helpful pop-up windows, links or reference subjects.

    Image of the Information List

    Search Text box

    The Search text box allows the user to perform search of primary key indexes like Park names, Park Alpha code, Routes, Bridge Structure Number, Guard / Retaining Wall Barrier ID, Crash Incident Number.

    Image of the Search Box